First Day of Kindergarten! I'm not sure how I really felt that day. I was obviously sad that my baby was going to school, even though he's had 3 years of pre-school prior to this big event. I was nervous for him. How was he going to do on the bus? Would he be O.K. once he got to school? The normal mommy worries. Mostly I think I was proud. Here is my baby, 5 years old already. He can write, wants to read, wants to learn. I think we did a pretty darn good job so far. So I wanted there to be a surprise when he woke up in the morning. Now he loves to decorate for all the holidays and for everyones birthdays. So this was perfect for him. I decided this at 8:30 the night before school, so thank goodness had these awesome free printables. I ended up laminating mine with contact paper, so it can be used again next year. I decorated with kitchen light and it just so happens we had the alphabet place mat and cup. This went over so well that come when I took it all down on school day #3 I was informed that he was very upset there wasn't any decorations for that school day.

He's ready...
Mason & Daddy
Mason & Mommy
There goes my baby. He looks to little to be on that big bus.
I heart this picture. First one off the bus at school.
He's back home!!!
It stopped raining and he had an AWESOME 1st day of Kindergarten!
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